Prospective Students

Private Lessons
I offer weekly private one-on-one piano lessons to students of all age and level of experience. During the registration, students can choose the length of the lessons - 30 or 45 or 60 mins. Most children start with 30 mins lessons, and extend to 45 mins when their attention span improve. Most adult students take 45 or 60 mins lessons. Lessons could be in-person, online, or a mixture of both.
Students are required to have a well-maintained acoustic piano, or full size (88keys) keyboard with weighted keys at home for daily practice. Having a quality instrument is not only essential to building good technique and musicality, but also prevent injuries. You can ask for recommendations if needed.
I do not offer one single trial lesson, simply because I do not believe one lesson could provide sufficient time for students and I to know each well, especially for some children who need time to warm up to strangers. If you would like to give it a try, I would suggest trying at least ONE MONTH instead of one single lesson.
For young students, parents can choose to attend the lessons with them and observe from the side quietly, or wait outside in the waiting room, or drop them off and come pick up later.
To begin piano lessons, young students should know how to count basic numbers and the alphabets. Many young children have short attention span. Taking lessons is a good way to train their concentration capacity, parents and teacher should adjust expectations and be patient.
For detailed information, please refer to the studio policy.
Please contact for the current tuition rate.

Students with serious cat allergy should contact to discuss prior to any booking.

We hosts two recitals each year. While participation is not mandatory, most students look forward to it. It is not only a fun and fulfilling event, but also a great milestone and motivation. Students benefit a lot throughout the process of preparation - to prepare for a performance, students have to not only practice their pieces, but also practice performing. It is an inspiring self-discover experience.
There is a $60 registration fee, which covers hall rental, trophies, gifts, and the small reception following the performance. For the audience, ticket to the recital is $3 each. 100% of ticket proceed would go to a charity.

The Looking-Glass Self
Huge thank you to all students, parents, professors, and colleagues who wrote these testimonies!
These testimonies tell you not only how I teach, how i collaborate with others, how i communicate, how i nurture my students, how i evolved as a pianist.... but also who i am as a person. learning about myself through the eyes of others is always an inspiring, intriguing, and reciprocal process.