
Private one-on-one piano lessons are offered once a week regularly. Each lesson is 30/45/60 minutes in length depending on student’s age and level (This will be discussed during the interview). The monthly tuition is a FIXED rate - 4 to 5 lessons depending on the number of weeks in the month. Missing lessons will be made up ONLY if a 24-hour notice is given in advance. For cancelations without a 24-hour notice, teacher has no obligation to provide make up lessons. In case there is no available time slot for make-up lessons, student can consider using the Swap List to switch lessons without another student. In such case, the teacher MUST be informed at least 24 hours in advanced. There is no makeup and no refund for tardiness, no-show, or lessons that are cancelled without 24 hours notice.
Teacher reserves the right to refuse to provide make-up lessons if rescheduling is requested too often (for example, rescheduling every other week for a long period of time).
Parents and siblings are welcome to observe the lessons QUIETLY.
Monthly payment is expected by the first lesson of the month. A late fee of $10 will be applied if tuition is not received by the 15th of the month. If the tuition (plus late fee) is not received by the end of the month, all lessons will be suspended until the balance is cleared. The monthly tuition is a FIXED rate - 4 to 5 lessons depending on the number of weeks in the month. Payment method accepted include: PayPal, Zelle, check or cash. Please write checks payable to Virginia Tsoi. An electronic receipt will be sent after the payment is received.
Rescheduling or cancelation of lessons does NOT affect the tuition rate of that month.
Teacher reserves the right to adjust tuition rate in which student will be notified ahead of time. Paid lessons are NON-REFUNDABLE
In order to begin lessons, all students MUST have at least one of the following prior to the first lesson:
- Grand Piano, and/or
- Upright acoustic piano, and/or
- Full size (88 keys) WEIGHTED key keyboard
Recommendation can be given for those who are planning to purchase or rent the instrument. For those who do not already have the instrument, renting an acoustic piano is highly recommended. Electronic keyboards/digital pianos are not recommended but acceptable. Those with electronic keyboard/digital piano are expected to upgrade to an acoustic (either buy or rent) at a later time. For acoustic pianos, they are expected to be well-maintained and get tuned regularly (1-2 times a year).
Students are responsible for purchasing books and sheet music. Teacher will inform the student what material is needed. Most method books can be purchased at local music stores or online (e.g. http://www.sheetmusicplus.com)
Practice is an essential part of the learning process. Students are expected to maintain a good daily practice habit. Positive parental involvement is highly encouraged. Parents and teacher should maintain sufficient and consistent communication. Please allow time for brief meetings with the teacher when it is necessary so that parents and teacher can assess student’s progress together.
Students are highly encouraged to participate in student recitals, though it is not mandatory. There are multiple performance opportunities throughout the year. For all students' recitals, a registration fee might be required (in order to cover expenses including venue rental, certificates, trophies...etc). Details will be given in the lessons.
In any case student wants to withdraw, such serious decision must be made thoughtfully with sufficient communication with the teacher. Please provide a WRITTEN notice to the teacher at least 30 days before the last lesson.
*During registration, a PDF version of this policy will be given to the student. Teacher reserves the right to make adjustment of the policy at any time, which will be updated in this webpage. If there is any discrepancy between the PDF version and this webpage, the policy on this webpage should be followed.